Case Studies

Engadine Community Centre
Engadine Community Centre is a building that utilizes CCTV cameras and access cards to increase its security for staff and clients. It also operates an automated air-conditioning system. Here, Garry Dickensen, Security Manager at Sutherland Shire Council, explains the benefits of using the system after Tritech Solutions installed the user-friendly interface.

The Camperdown Project – Common Ground
Matias Dawson, Construction Manager at FIP Electrical, discusses how Tritech Solutions managed the installation of the security systems at The Camperdown Project.
We’ll take care of all your technology needs.
Need security, CCTV, monitoring, we do it all.

Penrith Government Building
Senior Building Manager, George Juhasz, talks about the products and services the building has used since 2008. Mr Juhasz is impressed with the professionalism of Tritech Solutions and states that Tritech is highly regarded within the industry. Part of the tender process for supplying to the organisation meant government procedures dictated that checks were conducted on all applicants. Tritech Solutions checks came out Crystal.

Observatory Tower
Glen Webber, a building manager with then 20 years experience, has been using an Access Control System with support by Tritech Solutions since 2005. Here Glen explains how well the system has worked for the building and the second-to-none service he received from the team at Tritech.