Penrith Government Building

Senior Building Manager, George Juhasz, talks about the products and services the building has used since 2008. Mr Juhasz is impressed with the professionalism of Tritech Solutions and states that Tritech is highly regarded within the industry. Part of the tender process for supplying to the organisation meant government procedures dictated that checks were conducted on all applicants. Tritech Solutions checks came out Crystal.
Project Details
Tritech Solutions will “bend over backwards to satisfy a customer’s needs” according to Senior Building Manager, George Juhasz.
“And I’m more than happy to deal with a smaller company who can provide a more personalised service.”
These are high accolades indeed. Yet Mr Juhasz insisted that while he is normally reluctant to promote organisations, he was pleased to do so when it came to recommending the products and services, and the team at Tritech.
“All employees at Tritech are client focussed. The customer service is of the highest level. The employees are highly skilled with a professional attitude. They are comfortable to deal with and easily solve minor or major problems. When we request proprosed work or new installation estimates, the quotes are prompt, professionally structure and importantly, reasonably priced.”
In 2008, Tritech was chosen to install electronic security, building automation and energy monitoring (CBUS) system to the Penrith Government Office Building.
“Tritech understands how it all works. This is a blue-chip, multi-story building that is fully computerised. There are seven levels of occupied space and four levels of car parking. I monitor and then act on alarms when things happen,” he said.
“We have also recommended Tritech to other major government agencies for data installations, CBUS lighting, CCTV, security monitoring and access control installations.
“The building access control and CCTV systems have been designed and equipped by Tritech according to strict government guidelines. All data is collected on the security servers and recorded for up to three months.”
Mr Juhasz said the quality of the installation of all the products and associated components reflected on Tritech’s professionalism.
“We also utilise the Gold Maintenance Agreement. There is always quick attendance to any problems.”
Quick Project Statistics
Access controlled doors
Doors operate under this high-security system
All lights are on sensors
5 Star rating accredited building