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Our HSE & QA Systems

Health & Safety

Tritech Solutions understands the importance of providing a safe working environment for its staff and customers and employs comprehensive OHS plans and internal processes to effectively manage a safe and responsible working environment. All our staff is inducted into our company safety plan, which is then tailored to each individual off-site project, to protect our staff whilst working in the field. Risk Management and Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) are completed before each installation is carried out.


Tritech Solutions has implemented an Environment Management Plan which provides a method of assessing, managing and monitoring the environmental impact of the work we perform. Therefore, as our planet has limited resources, Tritech Solutions only uses the required equipment or resources to complete a specific task. In conjunction with our suppliers, we aim to reduce the level of product packaging and material required to transport products to installation. Where possible, Tritech Solutions prefers to dispose of waste via recycling depots or return packaging items to the manufacturer for re-use.

Quality Systems

We understand the importance of meticulous documentation and proven systems. Accordingly, Tritech Solutions has developed a quality management process which has been based on ISO 9001. Site-specific quality plans are further developed to ensure the delivery process is provided to meet customer expectation and requirements.